The Mekong has long cast a mystical
spell over adventurers, wildlife experts, and
scientists enchanted by its
spectacular rapids and waterfalls, along with its endangered dolphins, giant
manta rays, and Siamese crocodiles. The river’s biodiversity is second only to
the Amazon.
In recent years, however, this great
international river – which flows through six countries – has increasingly
grabbed the attention of engineers, technocrats, and energy consultants on a
very different kind of mission: to exploit its roaring currents in pursuit of
Any idea of environmental protection
for the wonders of the Mekong has been marginalized by China’s grand Belt and
Road Initiative (BRI) with its focus firmly fixed on trade, infrastructure
development, and, along the Mekong, dam construction.
On the banks of the Mekong in Chiang
Khong, in northern Thailand, local resident and teacher Niwat Roykaew explains
the importance of the river. “The Mekong is very special for the people,” he says.
“Our community understands what’s important for life: water, forests, soil, and
He sees the soul of the river as a
precious part of the country’s cultural heritage, something that should
transcend financial interests. “Many governments only think about the economy,”
he says. “[They think] nothing about nature and culture.”
But China has a very different
perspective on the Mekong (known as the Lancang in Chinese) as it attempts to
fast-track development in the region.
Is strong regional momentum toward
greater integration with the Chinese economy destined for smooth sailing along
the Mekong, sweeping all local obstacles and objections out of its path?
At the Lancang-Mekong Cooperation
(LMC) Foreign Ministers meeting in Dali, Yunnan, last December, there were
signs of swaggering confidence from China. Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi
aptly described the LMC process as preparing the ground for the “bulldozer,” to
denote the mechanism that will promote smooth and uninterrupted cooperation
among the its members.
“The LMC is not a talk shop, but a
bulldozer moving forward steadily and firmly to make the cooperation become
true,” Wang said.
That is the kind of language that
scares a great many people downstream, including some ASEAN diplomats. At the
Dali meeting, Chinese officials insisted on using the term in the joint press
China is supremely confident of its
position, with two countries – Laos and Cambodia – enmeshed in a nexus of
loans, investment, and obligations already on board. But a simmering conflict
over the equitable sharing of water resources is deeply felt in Thailand, and
even more in the Vietnamese delta, where upstream dams and climate change have
made the region more prone to severe drought.
While China is unleashing its BRI on
the river, the latest research warns that a healthy Mekong has never been in
greater danger from overexploitation and the unregulated damming of the river.
“Twenty years ago, the Mekong was one
of the last large healthy tropical systems,” says Marc Goichot, a World
Wildlife Fund (WWF)-Greater Mekong water resources expert. “Today the Mekong
delta is literally sinking and shrinking. All of this is pushing more
freshwater species such as river dolphins to the brink of extinction, while
also causing serious limitations to economic growth.” The WWF has called for a
different approach to economic development in the Mekong.
Last year a joint report from the
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and
the Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI) revealed that “The flow of
sediment/nutrients in the Mekong has already been reduced by 70% due to the
Chinese dams built on the Lancang [upper Mekong] in China.” Sediment is
critical to the health of the river and essential for the replenishment of the
delta in Vietnam.
Sadly, the Chinese architects of the
BRI strategy do not appear to have lost any sleep over the state of the river.
Lancang-Mekong Cooperation Mechanism
China’s mastery over these precious
water resources was clearly on display at the second summit of the LMC,
attended by leaders from all six riparian states and held in Phnom Penh in
January 2018.
The LMC was proposed, framed, and set
up by China in 2016 as a rival organization to the long-established Mekong
River Commission (MRC), which counts four states as members: Cambodia, Laos,
Thailand, and Vietnam.
The MRC was set up by the
1995 Mekong Agreement with a mandate to facilitate
good governance in pursuit of an international river of friendship and
cooperation based on rules and procedures. China and Myanmar opted for observer status.
Thitinan Pongsudhirak, director of
the Institute of Security and International Studies (ISIS) at Chulalongkorn
University in Thailand, commented at a media forum that “the LMC is a way of
showing that China only plays by its own rules. It creates fait accompli by
building dams upstream to the detriment of downstream countries, and then sets
up its own governing body.”
According to Paul Chambers, an
international relations specialist at Thailand’s Naresuan University, “China is
seeking to make the Mekong River Commission irrelevant by the creation of the
LMC. Beijing would like to penetrate all of mainland Southeast Asia,
maintaining the region as a periphery of its strategic control. For China,
controlling the Mekong region has become a classic case of geo-hegemony.”
Besides the dams, China is building
railway lines to connect its southern city of Kunming with Bangkok, Thailand
via Vientiane, Laos and a superhighway to connect Cambodia’s Phnom Penh with
Sihanoukville. These infrastructure projects spawn other construction
activities including apartments, skyscrapers, satellite cities, markets, and
shopping malls.
The Cambodian government, readily
seduced by Beijing’s pledges to fund a new Phnom Penh airport, a highway, and a
hospital, neglected to bring up any troublesome questions about the damage done
by Chinese dams to Cambodia’s agriculture, fisheries, and food security.
Ultimately, the environmental crisis
faced by downstream countries, especially Cambodia and Vietnam, has been swept
under the red carpet of Chinese largesse.
One glaring example of China’s
pervasive role in the region is the corrupt enclave known as the Kings Romans
Casino complex in Bokeo province in northern Laos. Located within the Golden
Triangle Special Economic Zone (GTSEZ), its administration is firmly in the
hands of a shady Chinese business group that has been strongly linked to
wildlife trafficking.
Smooth Sailing or
Turbulence Ahead?
The Chinese strategy for the Mekong
region has unsurprisingly encountered almost no opposition in Laos, the weakest
of the four MRC nations. A high-speed train
line connecting Kunming in Yunnan
province to the Lao border with Thailand is already under construction. China
stands to benefit from greater connectivity with Thailand, but what does Laos
have to gain?
Brian Eyler, the director for
Southeast Asia at the U.S.-based Stimson Center, was skeptical, saying “clearly
China will gain the most from the $6 billion construction.”
“It will have profound impacts on
local economy,” Eyler added. “I believe the construction of the railway will
unlock mineral extraction and logging opportunities that Chinese investors will
jump on, and this will only lead to the further depletion of Laos’ natural
It appears that the cards are stacked
heavily in favor of China in its quest to consolidate control over its
geopolitical “backyard.” Beijing’s geopolitical strategy can count on
Cambodia’s Prime Minister Hun Sen, the Lao leadership, and local elites to
embrace Chinese hegemony along the Mekong.
But the great Mekong river is famed
for its rapids and turbulence. Chinese engineers have already tamed the wild
currents on the Lancang as it flows through China, but they have never
recognized the importance of sediment flow for the Mekong system as a whole.
The Mekong feeds some of the most
productive freshwater fisheries on the planet. There is great strategic
importance for a river that provides food security for 60 million people. The
simmering conflict over the sharing of precious water resources is likely to
escalate in the long term, leading to resistance by lower Mekong nations to
China’s growing hegemony.
In Thailand, the Chiang Khong
Conservation Group organized a series of protests in 2017 challenging China’s
“Mekong River Navigation Channel Improvement Project,” a euphemism for
dynamiting the picturesque rapids, rocks, and islets that dot the river, and
block larger ships from penetrating further down Southeast Asia’s longest
By 2020, China plans to remove all
natural obstacles to engineering a safe, 890- kilometer shipping lane
stretching from the southern Yunnan province port of Simao, through Thailand’s
northern stretch of the river, to the ancient royal Lao capital and now tourism
hub of Luang Prabang.
Chinese survey ships researching the
islets and rapids at Khon Pi Luang, about 20 kilometers upriver from the Thai
border port of Chiang Khong, have been the target of a flotilla of lively river
protests, their boats festooned with banners and motifs that say in Thai and
Chinese: “The Mekong is not for Sale,” and “Stop All Blasting of the Mekong.”
So far the Thai government has only
granted approval to Chinese survey ships to enter the river zone that divides
Thailand and Laos to gather information for an assessment. No final decision on
blasting has been taken. Permission from the Thai military government is not
assured, but not because of environmental issues.
In northern Thailand, local
government and businesses are wary of the Chinese initiative. Wiroon Khampilo,
former president of the Chiang Rai Chamber of Commerce and a businessman in the
province, said businesses in Thailand would not be helped by the navigation
project. China would reap the benefits, while damaging Thailand’s environment.
The so-called improvement project
will provide large advantages to Chinese traders and could precipitate a future
in which more Chinese products pour into the Thai market at ever cheaper
prices. Meanwhile, Wiroon pointed out to the Mekong Eye, Thai traders would
benefit little: “We have very few goods to transport via the river to sell in China.” Wiroon also warned that allowing
China to alter the river channel would jeopardize local people’s livelihoods
and the local economy, which depend heavily on a healthy river ecosystem.
Chiang Khong leaders filed a petition
with the National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) to challenge Thai cooperation
with the Chinese plan in 2017.
But perhaps even more important than
the questionable economic rationale of granting China a green light to reshape
the river with dynamite are the national security concerns relating to
sovereignty and Thailand’s international border demarcation with neighboring
Laos. The border runs roughly down the middle of the Mekong. This could make a
“belt and river” controlled by China too much for Thailand’s military regime to
Then there’s the issue of culture.
Chinese ambitions to construct a new
port on the Mekong and other projects pose a major threat to the cultural survival
of one of Asia’s most popular world heritage sites, the ancient royal capital
of Luang Prabang in Laos.
Paul Chambers of Thailand’s Naresuan
University paints a grim picture of what may happen to this cultural icon of
the region in the next 10 to 15 years if the navigation plan is implemented.
“The rapid transformation of the Lao
world heritage site will result in this cultural mecca being replaced by a
Chinese commercial hub and the superimposition of Chinese cultural art and
architecture across northern Laos,” he says. “Luang Prabang would end up as a
new Chinese town.”
This transformation is already
underway elsewhere in the country, and is sparking resentment. A Laotian
academic based in northern Laos, who requested anonymity,
observed that “anti-Chinese feelings
have become rife in recent years because they feel they are becoming more and
more a province of China.”
On another part of the Mekong, only
100 kilometers away from Thailand, the Chinese-backed Pak Beng dam has been
stalled by various forms of “turbulence,” including anti-dam demonstrations (in
Chiang Khong), litigation seeking to block Thailand’s support for the dam, and
the current energy review by the authorities in Bangkok.
The $2.4 billion Pak Beng dam is a
912-megawatt hydropower project being developed by China’s Datang (Lao) Pak
Beng Hydropower Co. Ltd., a Beijing- based company, with an understanding that
90 percent of electricity generated would be sold to Thailand. However, the
power purchasing agreement is on hold pending Thailand’s ongoing energy review.
It was scheduled to be launched in
December 2017 as the third dam in Laos on the lower Mekong.
Niwat Roykaew’s Chiang Khong group is
one of the plaintiffs in a court case filed against the Thai Water Resources
Department and the Thai National Mekong Committee, state authorities that have
lent support to the dam.
In another twist to the Pak Beng
tale, it appears that the Chinese company is coming to terms with investor
risk, a changing energy climate, and organized Thai opposition. The company met
for a dialogue with the Thai Mekong People’s Network from Eight Provinces, led
by the Chiang Khong group – perhaps the first ever such dialogue between a
dam-builder and a local opposition network in Thailand.
After the historic encounter, a press
release was issued, noting: “We The Thai Peoples Network declare our position
from the Dialogue with Datang (Lao) Pak Beng Hydropower Co. Ltd.. We demand an
integrated assessment of the Mekong dam cascade including Xayaburi, Sanakham,
Pak Beng and Don Sahong Dams. We support a Dialogue that builds on an
evidence-based body of knowledge, and confirm our interest in an ongoing
dialogue process.”
In Vietnam, almost 4,000 kilometers
from the source of Mekong in China, farmers watch with dismay at the sight of
their delta shrinking and sinking, with salinization from the sea encroaching
on the freshwater needed to irrigate the nation’s indispensable rice-bowl.
Developers often claim that dams help
alleviate poverty. But Nguyen Huu Thien, a wetlands ecologist in Can Tho at the
heart of the Mekong delta in Vietnam, says the reverse is true.
“In the delta, environmental
degradation leads to poverty, social tension, and even tensions between
countries. The impact from the dams should be considered a nontraditional
security issue that causes social and political instabilities,” he says.
For Thien, the
future of Vietnam’s rice-bowl looks bleak.The Mekong delta region produces
90 percent of the rice Vietnam exports and contributes approximately 23 percent to the nation’s GDP, he points out. “As
millions of people in the Mekong region
become impoverished due to the impacts from the dams (as well as climate
change), people will have to migrate elsewhere
to seek employment,” Thien says.
Can China Change?
Can China be pressured to shift its
development model in a greener, more sustainable direction?
Xuezhong Yu, a senior
hydro-environmental scientist, regards water allocation and environmental
effects of hydroelectric projects as two critical transboundary issues in the
Lancang-Mekong basin. According to a research paper by Yu, “The success of
water resources collaboration will enhance the mutual trust and consolidate the
comprehensive and cooperative partnership among the Lancang-Mekong countries.
Hydropower development will be the core of water resources collaboration.”
But so far the LMC framework does not
provide any defined space for critical debate over damming the Mekong. Its
rival, the MRC, facilitates discussion, consultation, equal partnership of
member states, and provides for some recognition of a role for civil society.
All that is conspicuously lacking in the LMC.
Many Chinese hydropower companies
have carried out poor quality environmental impact assessments (EIAs) and
failed to consult local communities, according to Zhou Dequn, a conservation
biologist at Kunming University of Science and Technology. Zhou observes that
“that these kinds of malpractice have also occurred on Chinese-funded
hydropower projects in Laos.”
Zhou reported in chinadialogue that “China
is exporting its bad business behavior and ignorance of rule of law to the
Mekong region. Our wealthy businessmen abroad do not have the interest or
technical capacity to promote sustainable practices, nor do they consider the
legal context of their actions.”
In Phnom Penh, Cornell University
Ph.D. student Youyi Zhang agreed: “It is true that China has promoted the
export of coal and hydropower firms to developing countries, because of
flagging demand at home. These Chinese companies have forged strong alliances
with host governments and formed vested interests.”
Is there any way to change this?
Zhang responded that “the host
government should implement stricter environmental and social regulatory
framework and kick out firms with significant environmental consequences. When
pressure mounts, policy will change.”
As in the case of the Pak Beng dam,
pressure is mounting on Chinese companies to consider more carefully investor
risks and environmental impacts as well as to consult with local stakeholders.
The more responsible investors have learned a big lesson from the suspension of
the Chinese Myitsone mega-dam in Myanmar.
The Stimson Center’s Brian Eyler
detects a greater understanding of financial and environmental risks related to
Mekong dams and argues that Mekong energy development is reaching a critical
Chinese developers could, Eyler
argues, switched to non-hydropower renewable energy generation projects and
innovation in electricity transmission instead of “bulldozing dams in ways that
will transform the region and send it further down the pathway of unsustainable
Lower Mekong countries, he says, also
need to lobby for increased investment in Chinese solar and wind generation.
This may be an acceptable alternative
for Beijing as well. Exports by Chinese solar and wind power companies and
their hydropower corporations both receive official state support and both are
bidding for more energy contracts in the lower Mekong. Meanwhile, prices for
solar panels and wind turbines have now fallen so dramatically that regional
governments can no longer dismiss green energy as too expensive.
The untapped potential of green
energy available to Cambodia, for example, was documented by Mekong Strategic
Partners (MSP) in a report last year, which concluded that “The Cambodian
government could achieve electricity self- sufficiency through the development
of solar energy within 12 months under the right conditions.”
What’s Next:
Instability and Food
Insecurity or a New Sustainable Development Path?
At the January 2018 LMC summit,
Chinese Premier Li Keqiang emphasized that China wants to maintain peace and
stability in the region. But critics claim the BRI development strategy, far
from promoting stability, will on the contrary stir unrest and promote further
degradation of a Mekong already in crisis.
Southeast Asian researcher Bruce
Shoemaker commented that “China is attempting
to build a stable environment for investment in infrastructure in the Mekong
region, but the impact of damming the lower Mekong will destabilize the fisheries-
based livelihood systems upon which
millions of people depend for their food security.”
The healthy flow of the Mekong
ecosystem promotes stability by guaranteeing food security in all of the Lower
Mekong countries and agricultural security in Cambodia and Vietnam. The threat
posed by over-damming the Mekong, coupled with the impacts of climate change,
should be on the radar of regional and international organizations. The
consequences for Cambodia and Vietnam would be devastating and reverse much of
the progress made toward meeting UN Sustainable Development goals.
But the UN agencies that will be most
impacted by the collapse of the Mekong ecosystem – such as the Children's Fund
(UNICEF), Development Program (UNDP), the Food and Agriculture Organization
(FAO), and the World Food Program (WFP) – have so far had little to say on the
Nguyen Huu Thien, the Vietnamese
ecologist, concludes that international organizations must do more: “The Mekong
Delta is one of the most important deltas in the world. The international
community should consider the impact of the Mekong dams as a serious regional
and international nontraditional security issue.”
If China wants to avoid
conflicts over water resources and a destabilizing impact on the Mekong
region’s future, then Beijing needs to choose a radically different framework
for engaging and investing downstream and chart a new course based on sustainable development.
Unless Chinese policy recognizes that
a stable environment requires the protection of fisheries, food security,
heritage sites, and the cultural diversity of the region, then unrest and a new
turbulence is likely to engulf the Mekong region.
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The Author
□ Tom Fawthrop is
the director of two films about the damming of the Mekong, including the
documentary “Killing the Mekong Dam by Dam” released by Eureka Films 2017 He
has also extensively reported on the Mekong for the Guardian, the Economist and
other international media.
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